I thought it would be easier!

I thought it would be easier!
That is the belief that I used to carry around. I simply thought it would be easier to achieve success. If I just hang around long enough and keep plugging along then the life of my dreams would just happen. I would have all of the time, money, and fun I could ask for. Did you share this same belief? Or maybe you still do?
It is common for all human beings to assume that we will keep growing. It is a deep rooted subconscious belief that started when we were younger and naturally growing. Do you remember when you measured your height on the wall in your childhood home? I do. I would get so excited to see that I had grown an inch or two every six months or so. I can remember doing that with my kids too. But at some point we all stop growing in size.
And size isn’t the only way we assumed we would grow naturally. We assume we would grow spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. The results of the continued growth was supposed to be a successful life.
Unfortunately, about the time we hit young adulthood, maybe 18-20 years of age, we have enough of a foundation of how the world operated, that we stopped growing and just started living. Day in, day out, we fell into a routine. We got comfortable.
Now what does this have to do with you, you might ask. It is simple. We are about to turn the corner on a new year. 2016 is upon us! First, I want you to use your imagination and dream with me for a minute. Imagine you are sitting in the same spot you are now, but the date is December 29th, 2016. Imagine that you have achieved EVERYTHING you wanted in 2016. Your health is better than it ever has been before. You made more money. Your relationships are stronger than ever. You have developed a deep spiritual life that helps you endure tough moments that arise. Basically everything is exactly the way you want it and dreamed life could be!
The question I have, is simple. What is your plan to achieve the 2016 of your dreams? It is doable, this much I know. But not without a plan. And the plan must start with your growth.
As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “To reach a port, we must set sail. Sail, not tie an anchor. Sail, not drift!”
There are many ways to create a growth plan to achieve your desired results. Simply reading and applying what you read, from great thought leaders on a consistent and regular basis (one book a month for 12 months seems doable doesn’t it?) would be a good start.
I personally prefer to engage in Mastermind Groups to study the books. The reason I like this approach is because as a group of people discuss the book each member of the group brings a different perspective and different thinking to the topic being discussed. The growth that happens with this approach is amazing.
If you would like to grow your business, improve your relationships, and be a part of one of these Mastermind Growth Groups in 2016, you can check out the schedule here.
No matter what you choose to do, I want to encourage you to grow into the results you desire in 2016. The results won’t just happen unless you grow into making them happen.