The 5 Principles Behind Connecting with Others

Today, we’re going to talk about the five ways you can connect better with people in order to generate the results you desire. There are five basic principles behind connecting better with people to generate the relationships and the results you desire.

  1. Increase your influence in every situation. When you connect with people, your influence grows.
  2. Connecting is all about others. If you remember your best teacher, you may realize that he or she was the best teacher because they showed that they cared about you, showed they wanted to help you, and earned your trust.
  3. You need to do that in order to inspire trust from others. Connection goes beyond words. As a speaker, 7% of everything I say is about the words, but 93% is about body language and tone.
  4. Connection requires energy. I always bring energy. If you engage in a conversation where you don’t bring the energy, then the people you are trying to connect with won’t feel anything.
  5. Connection is a skill. It’s not just a God-given talent; connecting with others is a skill that you can work on. It’s more than just being a people person. You can learn how to connect with others.

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Those are the five principles behind building better relationships. If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!
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