Top 10 Ways to Ensure Your Own Follow Through

Hey gang.  You have heard before that follow through is a key to success, right?  Well I keep hearing that people need help.  Part of coaching is the accountability piece but there is so much more to coaching.  We cover systems in your business.  We cover upgrading your skills.  We cover mastering your psychology.  We cover strategies for success and better performance.  We cover optimizing your environment.
So here is the Top 10 list of ways to ensure better follow through:
1.  Set Realistic Goals
If goals are too high, you will be discouraged.  If goals are too low, they will not stretch you enough.
2. Center your goals around your passion.
Believing in what you do creates a focus, motivation, clarity, and direction.
3.  Make sure your goals are your own, not someone else’s expectations of you.
A half hearted effort is counter productive
4.  Ask yourself, “Why would I want to do this?”
Introspection as to what is in if for you and what it will take to get there will clear the path.
5.  Create your own timeline and move forward.
Proceed at your own pace but MOVE!!!
6.  Take one action step daily to reach your goal.
If you want a Masserati, go to the dealer today and test drive one, bring home a picture to post on your refrigerator or mirror or even Facebook cover photo or profile picture.  Remind yourself daily of your goal.
7.  Know that not everyone will agree with what you are doing.
Do it anyway.  Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  Live it!
8.  Realize that your strongest supporter will not always “get” it.
No one will be your cheerleader all the time; supporters are human too.
9.  Realize that even without a cheerleader, this is YOUR life.
Get over it.  Take the bull by the horns and do it anyway.
10.  Avoid the energy vampires.
Look to your role models.  Surround yourself with positive people and let go of those who are sitting around doing the same old things and expecting different results.
If you want to consider hiring a coach learn more about the process by taking advantage of a FREE Coaching session here.
To your success and more WOOHOOing in your business and in your life!