5 Sure Fire Ways to Stand Out in a Crowd

I was in a crowded street the other day and had my new (and my wife would say annoying) Droid Air Horn App on with the volume turned all the way up.  I would hit the vuvuzela (you know, the noisy phenomenon from the World Cup Soccer tournament) horn and my kids just thought this was the funniest thing.  People would look at me and I was for sure standing out in a crowd.  But this is not what I meant to talk about today.  I am more focused on business owners, sales people, job seekers, and people looking for their soul mates in life.  Lets face it, each of these arena’s is crowded and there is a lot of people competing for that which you want.  So how do you stand out in a crowded room to accomplish your goals?
Well for starters, STOP doing what everyone else is doing.  If you are a business owner and you are looking to increase your profits and earn more business then show off your unique brand and service.  Just because someone else is doing something doesn’t mean its right for you. 
Second on my list is to STOP saying what other people are saying.  I was at a Networking Event the other day and I talked to 5 different people and they all talked about how poor the economy was.  I challenged each of them by asking what they thought the leaders in each of their industries was saying right now.  To a person they each thought about it for a minute and responded that they were probably saying that the economy was doing just fine and they were hitting their sales marks.  Stop repeating what your friends, coworkers, colleagues, and the media are saying and develop your own message.  Its a fact that the general public would much rather deal with someone that has a good, honest, and optimistic message rather than the same old beaten down message of doom and gloom,
This brings me to point #3, bring energy to these crowded rooms.  If you are a job seeker and you are looking to get hired then you need to show your willingness to go to work, show your desire to be a team player, and show you have the enthusiasm that they employer is looking for.  I have a lot of teacher friends that are looking for a job in their field right now and I keep telling them, “You have to have more energy and be able to communicate it to the interview team and show them why they need to hire you over the 150 other applicants!” 
Another key part of standing out is to BE YOU!  There is no reason to blend in with a crowd.  There is no reason to go with the flow.  You are unique and special and it is time to show off your colors and your uniqueness!  Let’s face it, if you just blend in with the crowd and do what everyone else is doing do you really think that person that is looking for you is going to see you?  They will probably see a blur of a 100 people and nothing special.  Now I am not suggesting you go out and act all crazy and make a fool of yourself (although this does work for some people).  I am just suggesting you find your voice and stand out as special and different for your own reasons.
That brings me to the last way to stand out.  I would suggest that if you want to stand out in a crowd of people you focus on your strengths and let people see what they are.  Some people can command the attention of a room full of people with humor, others with their intellect and knowledge, and yet others have their own unique strengths.  Don’t focus on what others are doing and lament on how you can’t do the things they are doing.  We all are different and its time others see how special you are!
If you would like help finding out what your strengths are and how to improve your position in life, whether it be in business, relationship goals, career changes and job searching then I would like to invite you to call me for a One-on-One Coaching Session.  The initial session is free and we will spend about a half an hour helping you focus on how you can get better at all areas of your life.  If you would like this please contact me at 616-299-9165.  To your success!