Is it Your Choice How Circumstances in Life Impact You?

The economy is bad. My employer is driving me crazy. I have gained too much weight. There is not enough time in the day for me to do everything. I just have no energy and am always tired. The list goes on and on of things I hear when I talk to people. The reality of all of these statements are that these are all feelings and emotions tied to how we view events in our life. So is it possible to choose how these events will impact us?
You bet we can! Our thoughts are how we see things and we can accept or reject any thought. But what happens after we accept or reject a thought is the real game changer. Once a thought is accepted or rejected it associated with a feeling or emotion. That feeling or emotion will result in the actions we take on a daily basis.
If you want to improve your lot in life then it starts with changing your focus to what you want, not to more of what you don’t want.  This is in part to living your life by Law and the Law of Attraction and other Natural Laws.  The Law of Attraction is simply stated as, “that which is drawn unto itself.” 
To learn more about how to improve all areas of your life and to live a life of abundance check out my one-on-one online coaching program at Conceive, Believe, Achieve!.  Here is what others have said about the class and the processes they have learned. 
You can choose how circumstances in life impact you.  Everything we do is by choice.  Choose now to live a purpose driven life and learn to reach your true potential!  To your success!