The Power of Gratitude

Hi !
This poem is in Module 18 of my WOOHOOing online success class that anyone can take.  I was recording the audio version for the class yesterday and it moved me so much that I wanted to take it out of the class and share it with you, my fellow WOOHOOligan!
I encourage you to read it out loud, read it with passion and emotion, print it off and read it every day…if you do you can be certain that you will have more WOOHOOing moments in your life moving forward.

The Power of Gratitude

Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of gratitude.
I now allow this gratitude to fill my heart, my body,
my mind, my consciousness, my very being.
This gratitude radiates out from me in all directions,
touching everything in my world,
and returns to me as more to be grateful for.
The more gratitude I feel, the more I am aware that the supply is endless.
The use of gratitude makes me feel good;
it is an expression of my inner joy.
It is a warm fuzzy in my life.

I am grateful for myself and for my body.
I am grateful for my ability to see and hear, feel and taste and touch.
I am grateful for my home and I take care of it.
I am grateful for my family and friends, and I rejoice in their company.
I am grateful for my work and I give it my best at all times.
I am grateful for my talents and abilities,
and I continually express them in ways that are fulfilling.
I am grateful for my income, and I know that I prosper wherever I turn.
I am grateful for all my past experiences,
for I know that they were part of my soul’s growth.
I am grateful for all of nature and I am respectful for every living thing.
I am grateful for today and I am grateful for the tomorrows to come.

I am grateful for life, now and forever more.
-Louise Hay
Pass this along to others.  Seek out the people around you that need more WOOHOOing in their lives and those that have an abundance of WOOHOOing and ask them all to join in and follow these messages.  The bigger this gets the better it is for all of us…WOOHOOing!