The Powerful Mind

“What we think we become!”–Buddha
None of us want negativity in our lives, right? So why is it that we allow it into our mind? With all of our powers to think and reason, to imagine anything we want, to use our intuition to protect us, to perceive situations in different ways, to remember or forget anything with our memory, and to use our will to concentrate on one thing to the exception of all else. 
So why the negative thoughts?  Those thoughts we have that employ emotions like doubt, worry, fear, anger, jealousy, or rage.  With our higher faculties, why can’t we eliminate these emotions?  It is because our subconscious harbors some deep rooted emotions that incorporate our beliefs, our self image, and our feelings. 
We must change these feelings to those that employ things like believing, faith, knowing, trust, optimism, etc.  Hard to change this kind of stuff you say?  I agree, but when you desire change more than you desire staying in your comfort zone we can be sure to get started.  It all boils down to choice and the choice is yours and yours alone.
If you are ready to enjoy more WOOHOOing™ on a deep and meaningful level then you can change.  If you are ready to take a journey mixed with knowledge, understanding, and practical learning and application then let’s get started.
Check out your options for the WOOHOOing Programs here.
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