WOOHOOing | How to Become an Optimist

A question that is posed to us at WOOHOOing all the time:  How can I become an Optimist?
Answer:  Proper preparation and attention to detail.
Really?  That simple?  Well…NO!  It isn’t easy.  If it were easy, everyone would already be the optimist, right?  So why isn’t everyone an optimist?  Because of there self image, their beliefs, their fears, and how they have been taught to see the world and their existence in it.
So proper preparation and attention to detail…it is your hope.  To wake up, come alive, really really alive, and plan your day with such detail that nothing but optimism, hope, and belief of all things good are possible outcomes.  Here is a list of 7 things you can do to prepare for a great outcome:

  1. Make sure your cloths are comfortable each morning.  If something doesn’t fit right you will be uncomfortable and it will derail your day quickly.
  2. Make sure you have gotten plenty of sleep the night before.  Starting a day off tired and crank does not make an optimistic person.
  3. Make sure you have given yourself plenty of food.  If you don’t you may be hungry the rest of the day or lack energy, both negatives.
  4. Make sure you have planned your day.  If you just show up waiting for your day to happen, you are taking a chance that your day could unravel in a way that you really don’t want it to.
  5. Make sure you take care of your vehicle.  An untimely breakdown can be prevented with proper maitenance.
  6. Make sure you have a Positive Mental Attitude.  Be grateful for all that you have and prepare for more good.  Preparing for bad is very counter productive.
  7. Repeat.  What?  Yes, repeat all of these on a daily basis.  Being an Optimist is not something that will happen over night.  Rome was not built over night.  But habits are formed over time and becoming an Optimist is a habit.

Changing who you are, how you see your self, and generative different-more positive restults in your life is a process.  It is hard work.  The begining is learning to become an Optimist…to look for and expect the positive and good in every situation. 
If you would like more help in making change in your life, consider one of our signature WOOHOOing Success Programsto generate more WOOHOOing moments in your life.
To more WOOHOOing!