WOOHOOing…is it a Life Style?

WOOHOOing is fun.  It can be shouted at any moment for any reason that celebrates life’s moments.  From sharing a moment in line with someone at Starbuck’s, to being out with great friends at a social event, to getting in a great run, or as my kids would say, “WOOHOO, I passed that level of Angry Birds!” 
As I have learned to experience the power of all things WOOHOOing, I have started to wonder, Is WOOHOOing a Life style?  A life style is defined as a manner of living that reflects a person’s values and attitudes.  If you consider just the two words of values and attitudesin the definition then it is a warranted assessment to state that WOOHOOing is a life style.
Life styles are based on choice.  WOOHOOing is a choice.  I won’t apologize for all the WOOHOOing I do.  I want a worldwide community of people all WOOHOOing.  How can I apologize for wanting for others the same thing I want for myself…to focus on the good in our lives, to be grateful for all that is in our life, and to attract more good things in our lives.  As Oprah Winfrey says, ” The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
So today, I ask you to join me in the WOOHOOing Life Style and to invite others to join us as well!
To more WOOHOOing!