21 Suggested Action Steps to Achieving Your Goals

The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.~Denis Watley
So you have set goals, or you have vowed that this is the year you will set written, specific goals.  So now what?  Below I have compiled a list of action steps to help you stay on task and achieve your goals (and more WOOHOOing in your life).
1. Operate and live by LAW
2. Keep a Gratitude Journal
3. Read your affirmations daily
4. Read your Vision daily
5. Visualize your goal for 15 minutes daily
6. Practice Relaxation techniques
7. Find someone to mastermind with and to encourage you
8. Hire a personal coach
9. Read something inspirational and motivating everyday
10.Listen to motivational tapes/mp3’s/CD’s
11.Get enough sleep

12.Eat healthy foods…Nothing is more important than what you put into
your body!
13.Exercise to keep your mind clear
14.Write out your GPA’s (Goal Producing Activities) for the following day, every night
15.Do something everyday toward your goal
16.Celebrate your victories along the way
17.Be grateful for everything and everyone everyday
18.Act as if!
19.Practice Positive Self Talk and Right Thinking
20.Stay away from negative people and situations
21.Keep fine tuning your plan

“Never, Never, Never Quit.”
-Winston Churchill

To more WOOHOOing moments for you in all areas of your life!