Counting Your WOOHOOing Moments

It is Saturday morning and I am sitting at my new Bistro-style table looking out over my wooded backyard.  Sunrise has come and gone yet it is the perfect time of the day when the sun has not hit the Earth’s floor,illuminating the trees with a moment of sunshine magic.  My daughter and I marvel at it’s beauty while my son comments that two chipmunks are chasing each other across the snow covered ground. 
Let’s count the WOOHOOing moments in this 5 minute segment:
  1. New Bistro-style table that we love
  2. A beautiful sunrise witnessed, acknowledged, and marveled over
  3. Spring is close…the chipmunks have come out from their winter underground
  4. I am enjoying time spent with my children
I hope you have seen how simple WOOHOOing is and now I want you to go out and count your WOOHOO’s for the day.  Shout ’em out loud too so others can appreciate you for Living Your Life to the Fullest!