Step 1: Turn On Your Internal GPS

Step 1 in creating more WOOHOOing moments in your life is to turn on your internal GPS.  It’s simple and I am going to break it out for you into steps right now.
  1. Grab your calender and create an appointment for yourself.  Call it “Turning on my internal GPS”.
  2. Allocate 1 hour for your appointment.
  3. In preparing for your appointment, set aside 3-5 sheets of paper or be ready to log in to your computer so you can open a Word document and type.
  4. 15 minutes before you appointment time clear everything out of your life; no email to look at, no Facebook to play on, no coffee to go get, heck, get your bathroom break out of the way now too so that the next hour is totally about you and your creative self.
  5. Ok, appointment time is here, lets turn on your internal GPS.  Reflect on and write down/type where you see yourself in the following 7 areas of your life:
  • Health and Fitness
  • Money and Financial
  • Career and/or Job
  • Relationships (all of them)
  • Community (what do you give back to your community)
  • Personal and Intellectual (what do you like to do for hobbies, fun, and learning)
  • Spiritual (define your relationship with your higher being (God, Spirit, Nature; whatever you prefer to call it).
That is pretty much it for right now.  Step 1 is all about creating a starting point for building the life you want and to allowing yourself to enjoy more WOOHOOing moments in all areas of your life.
Oh yeah, two more things, if you wrote this on paper, you might want to grab a 3 ring binder or some sort of folder because this journey you are about to go on is some sort of ride…WOOHOO!  The second thing, please pass this along to your friends, family, and coworkers and ask them to sign up to receive all the steps towards living a better WOOHOOing life…the link to make sure that they receive is:
WOOHOOing…when life is better than just good!
Rich Lohman