WOOHOO! A new day…a new year. A chance to start fresh. Welcome 2012! It is time to grab your mega phone and get your WOOHOOing on!
I would be remiss if I didn’t spend some time thanking 2011 for being such an amazing year. I met so many new an amazing people in 2011 and I wish I could give a shout out to each and every one of you. I also accomplished some amazing and awesome things; completed my first ever 25K, completed my first ever marathon, built a new business model and brand from scratch, got to speak at a TEDx Muskegon event, bought a new car…and that is just the beginning of everything I feel that I accomplished. I also failed at some other goals (biggest one is not finishing my brokers prep for my Real Estate Brokers license…have to finish that soon!). I learned more about myself in 2011 and look forward to turning those successes and failures into more WOOHOOing in 2012.
2012 for me is the year of Change & Committment.
I will continue to CHANGE because as my buddy Rod Gallo’s dad used to tell him, “You’ve got to move your feet Son, you are killing the grass just standing there!” I will continue to change and improve because of each of YOU reading this. You are my WHY. I want to continue to change because I feel that if I can continue to grow and change and achieve more WOOHOOing in all areas of my life it will give you an example of what you too can achieve in your life.
There is so much I want to achieve this year and it will only take place with a firm COMMITMENT to myself. I will challenge each of you to make a commitment as well. You will see my commitments as I am going to change some of my formats for 2012 and add more transparency to my life and my business. I am going to be showing you my goals. I am going to be showing you what it is that slow’s me down, gets in my way, or maybe even stops me from achieving the life that I desire.
Why? Because it is my hope that it will encourage you to live the life of your dreams. I say out with the same old excuses, out with the Ground-Hog-Day-Life and having each day be just like the last. Bring on change in your life and I will bring on change in my life. I am going to take bigger risks. Will you? I am going to face my fears. Will you? Join me…join me on this journey we call 2012 and let’s make it the best year ever! Let’s find more things to be WOOHOOing about in our lives!
I am grateful you are here and I look forward to this journey together! WOOHOO!