How to stay upbeat, be positive, & have a great day…

I have tinkered over the last several months with scaling back or almost completely stopping the usage of my personal Facebook page.  It is for no real reason other than I have found that one can fall into the Facebook time trap.  I am sure anyone that has dealt with social media of one form or another can understand and or identify with this problem.
As a Coach I talk with my clients all of the time about being focused and managing your activities to meet your goals.  Now that it is time for me to walk the walk I have realized that I spend more time than I need to on non-productive or income producing activities.
The problem I run in to is that when I discuss leaving Facebook I have a tribe of people that express dismay over my decision stating things like, “No, you can’t leave Facebook!  I look forward to you positive works and upbeat attitude every day to get me going/get me through my day.”  First off, to those people that have expressed this, I say THANK YOU!  I am grateful to each of you for the kind words and the knowing that I mean that much to you.  How exciting is that!
So I have decided to start something new.  I am going to start delivering my quotes and uplifting messages to you in your email inbox.  That way, no matter what I decide to do on Facebook, or if I just take a long break from it, those of you that wish to continue to receive my messages and uplifting quotes can do so.  Problem solved, right? 
Not so fast, my friend.  You see, for me to be able to pull this off I need you to tell me where to deliver this message to you.  Please fill in the form below and you will start receiving your “Quote of the Day!” from me very soon.  I will not send you messages to your email that you do not wish to receive.  This is simply to make sure that I can pass along my positive outlook.  I want everyone to understand how to live by Universal Law, focus on positive things, and live the life they deserve.
So if you are ready to get started in this new delivery method to my daily dose of optimism, joy, gratitude, happiness, and all other things good then fill in the form below.  Thank you and to your success!

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