The Oil Spills of Success and Getting BP’d

There are so many  lessons that can be learned from one of our worst man made disasters in the history of country.  Yes, I am referencing the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.  No I am not going to go off on some crazy tangent about whether or not we should be drilling for oil, whether wind or solar energy is a better energy source or any of that.  I will leave that for the media and political experts. 
I would rather focus on what we can learn from such a disaster and how we can apply it to the complications and challenges of our day to day business.  My idea here is to turn getting BP’d into a better outcome than what has resulted in the gulf coast states.  So when crisis enters your world I want you to consider this new way of thinking of getting BP’d:

  • Be Patient.  When crisis and challenges hit the most important thing to remember is to be patient.  It does not do us any good to run around like Chicken Little screaming the sky is falling.  Slow things down and figure out how to get the desired result you are looking for.
  • Be Positive.  Focus on the results you are looking for and know without a doubt that you are going to achieve your results.  Two things can derail you here, one focusing on negative possibilities and two, focusing on current less than desirable results.  Remaining positive will be crucial to fixing any problem.
  • Be Persistent.  When staring a challenge in the face remember that the only real failure is giving up.  It is the person that can outlast failure that will be truly successful in their endeavors.  Keep going even when things are at there toughest.
  • Be Proactive.  Pointing fingers, deciding who was at fault, and who is responsible for cleaning up a mess is simply reactionary.  If your business has troubles or your sales aren’t what you need them to be then I would suggest taking a step back, defining what results you want, and then proactively going after your desired results.
  • Be Productive.  Focusing on only the most productive tasks will surely get you out of the depths of despair and fix any crisis.  Stay the course and focus on the income producing activities that you need to overcome your challenge or crisis.
  • Be Praise-giving.  My mom always said, “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!”  Thank you for teaching me this Mom.  It is when you lose your patience, you lose your positive thinking, and you become unproductive that you start to say things you will later regret.  Be grateful for those that are willing to help around you and make sure they know that you appreciate their thoughts, words of encouragement, positive actions, and commitment to your success.

So there you have it, get BP’d and get successful in the process!