I Must Accept…

Repeat this aloud:  I must accept that I am going to have days, weeks, months, and even quarters when I will not make any progress towards my goals.
It is possible, that life will take over.  The boss will give you a project that throws you off your course to accomplishing your goals.  Your family life and or kids will consume your energy and time.  An unexpected car repair will set you back finiancially. 
Focus on 90-day cycles and accomplish as many small tasks and to-do’s towards your bigger goals.  Draw an end to the cycle in 90 days and celebrate all of your success.
Now is the perfect time to try this.  There is less than 90 days left until the end of the year.  There will be many distractions over the next 90 days from Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve celebrations, food, fall and colder weather, and the list goes on.  Write out your 90 day goals, list out your plan to attack all the tasks, and BE great over the next 90-days.  When complete, celebrate, relax, get re-energized, and start another 90 day cycle.
To more WOOHOOing!